
Showing posts from March, 2021

Julia Tarjan

To write a few words on myself seemed easier at first. You have written countless professional cvs, cover letters and personal statements.  You have also spoken about your life to friends you haven't seen a while. But to explain where you are in your deen, it's something more important and more personal. I have lived my second half of my life, my adult life as a Muslim. In this nearly two decades I had different phases as I have reached my maturity. I was blessed to have had the best teacher, Dr Mohamed Eisa Shubail, may Allah reward him. He is one of the few teachers who can explain Islam to non Muslims and help them understand it.  These past few years I understood deeply by my heart what it means when we talk about "this world is not a resting place, it's a testing place". I grew up as a person, then I grew up as a Muslim. The tests have become really tough. Loss of life and wealth, the collapse of a card castle I had been working on with all my strength, start